Shooting From The Hip

  1. Globe-12Under King Shaka, the Zulu warriors of South Africa used one type of spear as a stabbing weapon. What was this weapon called?
    A. Assegai
    B. Shillelagh
    C. Tomahawk
  2. After guns were introduced in Japan in 1542, the Japanese began producing their own guns. True or false: Around 1600, the Japanese returned to swords as their primary weapons.
  3. The modern computer was developed in the United States, largely to assist in the operation of which of the following weapon systems?
    A. Artillery
    B. Torpedoes
    C. Zeppelins
  4. True or false: The parang is a knife with a wavy, serpentine-style blade originating in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
  5. Frederick the Great of Prussia led his troops into many victories. His armies were notable for which of the following innovations?
    A. Hot-air observation balloons
    B. Dynamite
    C. Horse-drawn artillery
  6. When Hernando Cortés and his conquistadors arrived in Mexico in1519, they quickly subjugated the Aztec empire. True or false: The Aztecs defended themselves with wooden and stone weapons because metalworking was unknown to them.
  7. True or false: Game theory was used by the United States in the 1950s to predict if and when a foe would resort to nuclear weapons.
  8. True or false: Like the boomerang, the South American throwing weapon, the bola, is designed to fly in a parabola and return.
  9. The Battle of Crécy in 1346, decisively demonstrated the superiority of the English longbow over the crossbow. Where is Crécy?
    A. England
    B. France
    C. Luxembourg
  10. "And as water has no constant form, there are in war no constant conditions." This advice comes from a 2,000-year-old book called The Art of War. Where was the author from?
    A. China
    B. Germany
    C. Japan


  1. A.
  2. True. The samurai class objected to firearms, since even peasants could kill samurai with guns.
  3. A. In the 1940s, computer-generated ballistics tables were needed to predict the trajectory of shells.
  4. False. The parang is a straight-edged knife. The regional wavy-bladed knife is the kris.
  5. C. Frederick the Great's troops were the first to use artillery small and light enough to be pulled on horse-drawn carriages at high speeds.
  6. False. Most Aztec weapons were wood or stone, but metals were used for ornamental work.
  7. True. The Rand Corporation received military funding to study this question.
  8. False. The bola consists of several weights on interconnected cords, designed to entangle the legs of fleeing prey.
  9. B.
  10. A. It was written by Sun-tzu of China

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