Haute Couture

  1. Globe-16True or false: The term haute couture was coined in 1947, after several large fashion design houses were established in Paris.
  2. Paris was not always the center of fashion. What city was considered the fashion capital during the early to high Renaissance?
    A. London
    B. Brussels, Belgium
    C. Florence, Italy
  3. A blanket cape, worn for centuries in Latin America, was the inspiration for a US military waterproof outer garment. True or false: This cape is called a parka.
  4. Match the following garments with their countries of origin.
    1. Bolero A. South Africa
    2. Cowichan sweater B. Spain
    3. Bush jacket C. Canada
  5. True or false: Kimonos are generally wrapped right-over-left on corpses.
  6. In the 1960s and 1970s, certain trousers, originally worn by cowboys in Argentina, were fashionable in the United States. What were they called?
    A. Bermuda shorts
    B. Gaucho pants
    C. Culottes
  7. True or false: Mackintosh rain gear, kilts, Inverness capes, and tam-o'-shanters were all given to us by the English
  8. Match the following countries with the garments associated with them.
    1. Germany A. Serdak (camisole)
    2. Northern Ireland B. Homburg (hat)
    3. Poland C. Ulster (coat)
  9. Amelia Bloomer was the namesake for bloomers, and Giuseppe Garibaldi was the inspiration for the garibaldi shirt. True or false: The cardigan sweater was named after James Brudenell.
  10. A surcoat was a loose, lightweight garment meant to be worn over armor during the Crusades. Why was it invented?
    A. To keep the crusaders warm.
    B. To protect their armor from the blazing Middle Eastern sun
    C. To help the Crusaders identify each other during battles


  1. False. The "New Look" was introduced by Christian Dior in 1947. The term haute couture dates back to 1908.
  2. C
  3. False. The cape is a poncho; a parka is a coat.
  4. 1, B; 2, C; 3, A
  5. True. If you wear a kimono, wrap it left-over-right.
  6. B
  7. False. Scotland is the origin of those garments.
  8. 1, B; 2, C; 3, A
  9. True. James Brudenell was the Earl of Cardigan.
  10. B. The hot sun on a suit of armor could cook a Crusader.

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