What’s In A Name?

  1. Globe-19A distinguished Hispanic executive hands you a business card that looks like this: Miguel Eduardo Cela y Banderas. You should call him:
    A. Señor Eduardo
    B. Señor Cela
    C. Señor Banderas
    D. Señor y
  2. The current ruler of Saudi Arabia is King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud. What was his father's name?
    A. Fahd
    B. Bin
    C. Abdul Aziz
  3. True or false: The king is addressed as "King Fahd."
  4. You are introduced to a French executive who states his name as "Robert, Pierre." What do you do?
    A. Apologize for not speaking French, and ask him if his last name is Robert or Pierre.
    B. State your last name.
    C. Avoid the firm US-style grip when you shake hands.
    D. All of the above.
  5. Your friend, a Russian Jew named Fyodor Nikolaievich Medvedev, follows many Russian traditions. The polite but informal way you address him is:
    A. Fyodor Medvedev
    B. Teddy
    C. Fyodor Nikolaievich
  6. Match the correct formal and informal forms of the pronoun "you" with their languages:
    A. Spanish 1. "Sie" and "Du"
    B. French 2. "Ud." and "Tú"
    C. German 3. "Vous" and "Tú"
  7. You are about to give a speech in Germany. Dr. Hans Schmidt, the moderator, is a personal friend. Before you launch into your presentation, you say:
    A. "Thank you, Hans, for that complimentary introduction."
    B. "Thank you, Herr Doktor Schmidt, for that kind introduction."
    C. "Thank you, Herr Schmidt, for that complimentary introduction."
    D. "Thanks, Schmitty!"
  8. Many Hong Kong Chinese have relocated to Western Canada, Australia, and other countries because Hong Kong will no longer be a British Crown Colony after 1997. True or false: There are only approximately 400 different Chinese surnames.
  9. Chang Wu Jiang, president of a Hong Kong multinational, meets you in Vancouver, his new headquarters. You know that Chinese names include a family name, a generational name, and a given name. So you say, "It is a great pleasure to meet you, President Chang." He reacts by:
    A. Nodding and extending his hand.
    B. Applauding your phenomenal knowledge of Chinese name order.
    C. Grimacing and directing his assistants to show you the door.
  10. Americans are always asking total strangers to use their first names or nicknames. For example, during the 1992 presidential campaign, the winning party used this ditty urging voters to feel comfortable with the vice-presidential candidate:
    A. "You Can Call Me Al"
    B. "Danny Boy"
    C. "My Boy Bill"


  1. B. Many Hispanics have two surnames: one from their father, which comes first, followed by one from their mother. Sometimes the two surnames are separated by "y," which means "and" in Spanish. Miguel Eduardo Cela y Banderas' father was Señor Cela, so that's what you call him.
  2. C. There are many parts of the world where your paternal line is incorporated into your name. In this case, "bin Abdul Aziz" is a patronymic (a name derived from the first name of one's father) meaning "son of Abdul Aziz."
  3. True
  4. D.
  5. C. Among themselves, Russians often address each other by their first names and patronymic. Thus, Fyodor Nikolaievich Medvedev's first name is Fyodor (a Russian version of Theodore), his last name is Medvedev, and his middle name means "son of Nikolai."
  6. A, 2; B, 3; C, 1
  7. B. Formality rules in German business settings. Never call Hans by his first name at work.
  8. True. However, when these 400 surnames, or clan names, are translated into English, there are several possible variations. For example, Wong, Wang, and Huang are all English versions of the same Chinese clan name.
  9. A.
  10. A.

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