Happy Holidays

In Scotland, New Year’s Eve is traditionally celebrated with “first footing,” or visiting friends and family. True or false: To bring luck, the first guest to cross your threshold should be a woman with red hair. The African-American festival known as Kwanzaa lasts for seven days. At what time of year is the holiday celebrated? […]

Haute Couture

True or false: The term haute couture was coined in 1947, after several large fashion design houses were established in Paris. Paris was not always the center of fashion. What city was considered the fashion capital during the early to high Renaissance? A. London B. Brussels, Belgium C. Florence, Italy A blanket cape, worn for […]

Read My Lips!

“You’re never fully dressed without a smile” is a familiar phrase in the United States. True or false: A smile is a universal expression of genuine pleasure. Japan is a high context culture, where small gestures convey great meaning. Which is an appropriate behavior in Japan? A. Covering your mouth when you laugh B. Winking […]

Best Of Luck!

or “Good luck befriend thee” – Milton Many people believe in carrying a talisman for good luck: a lucky penny, a rabbit’s foot, etc. True or false: It is a German custom to carry a large scale from the head of a carp eaten on Christmas Eve. Preventing the malocchio (evil eye or evil spell) […]

House Of Games

True or false: Nine Men’s Morris is an English version of a medieval game and is mentioned in the works of Shakespeare. Match each of the following games with their area of origin. A. Pente 1. Canada B. Tablero de Jesus 2. Greece C. Trivial Pursuit 3. Spain Kriegspiel began as a complex game of […]

This Bud’s For You

The national symbol of Scotland is the thistle. True or false: This symbol is traced to the 1263 Battle of Largs, when a hidden Scandinavian invader stepped on a thistle and cried out in pain. Chinese tradition recognizes “Four Gentlemen of Flowers,” associating flowers with the seasons. Bamboo is associated with spring; match these other […]