Which European city is a favorite locale for test marketing?
A. Madrid
B. Brussels
C. Rome
High-pressure sales and hype are counterproductive in many countries. True or false: Australians tend to fiercely resist pressure tactics.
Radio and television commercials are often more effective than newspaper advertisements in:
A. Sweden
B. Hawaii
C. Bolivia
German and Brazilian consumers' tastes in advertisements are opposite, because Germans generally like what in their ads?
A. Lots of data
B. Fewer facts and more sex
C. Hysterically manic imagery
True or false: Advertising in many Central American newspapers is tantamount to taking a political stand.
Marketing in Saudi Arabia must abide by local traditions. This precludes:
A. Using children in advertisements
B. Depicting a dog in an ad
C. Direct marketing
Successful toothpaste sales in Canada depend on your target market and pitch. True or false: Promote the cavity-fighting aspects to Canadians of French descent, and the breath-enhancing capabilities to English-Canadian consumers.
Local representatives can be invaluable, but local laws often protect them from being terminated. Which country won't penalize you for changing your local agent?
A. Japan
C. Ecuador
B. As headquarters of the European Commission, and in addition to its historic Flemish, French, and German influences, Brussels is home to consumers with many different tastes.
True. Be honest, direct, and brief with Aussies.
C. Another useful venue is the cinema, which shows many ads before the feature presentation.
A. The more facts in Germany -- particularly of a technical nature -- the better.
True. Newspapers in Central America are often associated with a political outlook. For example, each of Belize's largest newspapers supports a different political party.